
第4章 The Big Fish Bit the Hook[第2頁/共12頁]

When once,through my treachery,it had been necessary to him to make a choice,the old man thought.

“They are good,”he said.“ They play and make jokes and love one another.They are our brothers like the flying fish.”

Then he looked behind him and saw that no land was visible.That makes no difference,he thought.I can always come in on the glow from Havana.There are two more hours before the sun sets and maybe he will come up before that.If he doesn't maybe he will come up with the moon.If he does not do that maybe he will come up with the sunrise.I have no cramps and I feel strong.It is he that has the hook in his mouth.But what a fish to pull like that.He must have his mouth shut tight on the wire.I wish I could see him.I wish I could see him only once to know what I have against me.

He did not take it though.He was gone and the old man felt nothing.


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