

The extravagance and general profligacy which he scrupled not to lay at Mr.Wickham's charge, exceedingly shocked her;the more so,as she could bring no proof of its injustice.She had never heard of him before his entrance into the―shire Militia, in which he had engaged at the persuasion of the young man who,on meeting him accidentally in town,had there renewed a slight acquaintance.Of his former way of life nothing had been known in Hertfordshire but what he told himself.As to his real character,had information been in her power,she had never felt a wish of inquiring. His countenance, voice, and manner had established him at once in the possession of every virtue. She tried to recollect some instance of goodness,some distinguished trait of integrity or benevolence,that might rescue him from the attacks of Mr.Darcy;or at least,by the predominance of virtue, atone for those casual errors u


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